What is Altura New Developments?

What is Altura New Developments?

New Developments is our new build and renovation division we handle site acquisitions to final sellout for any project of all sizes, price point, or location. We use comprehensive market analytics to hone our planning, design, and branding strategies, and we leverage Altura Realty.

Altura will not only be the experts at representing buyers and sellers but we also pride ourselves in knowing and understanding the building and renovation process. We feel that understanding the building process and being part of it is essential when making recommendations on purchasing your new home or piece of land. We have partnered with some of the best local inspectors, contractors, engineers, architects, and MEP specialists for any need.

Altura New Developments is an agency that helps people live in more thoughtful and beautiful ways. They believe in design as a powerful force for good.


Altura New Developments is happy to present our newest project located in Rowlett TX.
